Non-Financial ways to support

Sharing is caring! You’re free to spread my artworks around and repost them. Credit me – or don’t – I can’t police what you do and I’ve long accepted the internet as the ‘World Wide West’ and people will just do what they wanna do regardless of what I say. Sourcing the website or my twitter account is appreciated but I won’t die if you don’t, I don’t care, just enjoy my work, it’s all that matters. (人´ω`*)♡

Non-Financial ways to support

Sharing is caring! You’re free to spread my artworks around and repost them. Credit me – or don’t – I can’t police what you do and I’ve long accepted the internet as the ‘World Wide West’ and people will just do what they wanna do regardless of what I say. Sourcing the website or my twitter account is appreciated but I won’t die if you don’t, I don’t care, just enjoy my work, it’s all that matters. (人´ω`*)♡