Oppai mousepads & Bodypillows are restocked + New fresh keychains are IN !The 90x40cm deskmat restocks are on the way and I am soon getting them in 60x35cm for a more TCG playmat friendly size(人*´∀`) ~
In the meantime, check out the new drop on GamerSupps’s website!
Don’t forget to my code: MeruSuppsor clicking the image below will give you 10% off
Oppai mousepads & Bodypillows are restocked + New fresh keychains are IN !The 90x40cm deskmat restocks are on the way and I am soon getting them in 60x35cm for a more TCG playmat friendly size(人*´∀`) ~
In the meantime, check out the new drop on GamerSupps’s website!
Don’t forget to my code: MeruSuppsor clicking the image below will give you 10% off
Oppai mousepads & Bodypillows are restocked + New fresh keychains are IN!The 90x40cm deskmat restocks are on the way and I am soon getting them in 60x35cm for a more TCG playmat friendly size(人*´∀`) ~
In the meantime, check out the new drop on GamerSupps’s website!
Don’t forget to my code: MeruSuppsor clicking the image below will give you 10% off